Autumn Equinox, I wish this post had sound. Rain so heavy and noisy as it beats onto The Studio roof. I can hardly think. September is my birth month and my memory is of clear days with just a hint of Autumn to come. Since I returned from holiday mist and rain, dark early a feeling Summer is really over.
Still some colour in the garden but plants are turning.
Oak leaf Hydrangea turned from green to this great colour overnight.
Hostas are fading. Have gone to my stash of bits and pieces. Left over dyed fabric from other projects.
Ready to hang out in the garden.
A and B
C and D
Now to find a place to hang them in the garden over Winter. I like recording how the elements change the fabric. The original prayer flags are years old. I brought them with me when I moved here.
Really looking distressed now but no bits have fallen off. New ones look a bit brash.( see previous post)
Do you remember the stones. I have abandoned them for now. Just could not get the right effect. Usually I keep going and somehow it all works out. Not this time. Have you ever been in this position? I think coming and going all Summer did not help.
Views from my holiday. Village in rural France. Not deserted, people kept shutters closed from the sun, only opened at dusk.
View from the terrace. Larger hills in the background always hidden in heat haze. This Summer was about going when friends said come and I am eternally grateful to them all. Good to be home though and making plans for the Winter. More about that later. Please look in next week. I am beginning work on a new piece. BYE BYE
I have been away most of the Summer. A ferry trip, up hills and even in an airplane so short break from blogging.
Have been stitching prayer flags to hang in my garden.
Good to have small pieces to stitch when travelling
A way to use up all the little pieces left from other projects.
No real planning, just gather the right colours together and go for it.
Hand stitching to attach while I was on the move.
Small pieces to be submitted for an EDGE exhibition. More information about dates and times next week.
Once again fingers crossed. The exhibition will be in a local gallery so it would be good to have some work on display.
Four pieces 20x 20 Beach Diary 1,2,3,4. Vegetable garden has now been harvested.
Potatoes, beans, peas, carrot and shallots were squeezed into this little plot. I expected to have a few cabbage and late lettuce but the Peacock ate them before they could mature.
Nice to be back in Blogland. Hope you have enjoyed this post and will look in next week to view what I and the Peacock have been up to. BYE BYE