Wednesday, 25 February 2015


Eranthis hyemalis

Took this photo yesterday when it was bright and sunny. Today rainy and grey but the memory of these little Spring beauties has kept me bright and cheerful.

This is the first Helleborus orientalis fully out in my garden. You do need to get down on all fours to be able to see the wonderful markings inside the petals of these flowers. The wind had moved this flowerhead so I only needed to crouch thus saving my knees


  1. I always love winter aconites, sometimes the first flowers in the garden after the New Year. I like the strip of grey, it sets them off beautifully.
    Funny about the Helleboruses, maybe they were designed for the pleasure of snails and beetles and similar low-lying creatures. This one is lovely.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to look and reply. Someone need to develop a strain with upturned heads, although I like getting up close

  3. Your spring flowers are looking good. Keep it up.

    1. I think I should have a blog just for the flowers but that is a bit ambitious. Thank you for looking in
