Sunday, 12 November 2017

The end is in sight

Just had to buy this book.

Pictures are delicious. Real coffee table candy.

New lights are up.

Have begun thinking about decorating my home. Getting excited about adding colour.

Charts are fun but decisions, decisions. Have retired to The Studio. Three days working on the Beach piece with no interruptions - except keeping painter happy with cups of coffee and chocolate biscuits. End in sight.

Lettering added.

The feather has been printed on.

Still to hand stitch a feather, fill and add my signature glass jars and the end is really now in sight.
Still looking for a name. Shoreline Treasures has been suggested.

A mishap. Stitching on the lettering, phone rang, I jumped up to answer and heard a crunch. Razor shell crushed.

An extra evening spent finding another shell to fit the space, it is not in as good condition as the original. Then redo. The trials of creating.
Look in next week to view finished piece ( I hope it is finished. No more mishaps.
BYE      BYE


  1. Fascinating to see your process - amidst decorating, no mean feat to continue! Love those light fittings, by the way!

  2. Great book, I can see lots of colour and ideas in these shells.
    Love the lights too, very unusual.
    Shoreline piece is looking good, I like the three shells with their pink stitching.
    Poor razor shell getting smashed but I find something always goes wrong somewhere, often at the end, so it wasn't too drastic as you managed to fix it.

  3. I am thinking that when one is doing art, one should never run for the phone, calls can be returned.
    Lovely book.
    I hope you can come to a new place with the broken shell that you like. All is looking wonderful.
