Last two pieces finished for exhibition at Aberlady
This one had to be taken apart as I missed a stray thread. Shot through glass so not best photo. If you are in the area do look in. Kalamkari members have produced about 70 pieces of work. This will be my last post for some time. Decided for 2018 I would have a break from Blogging. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to look in over the last three years. I have really appreciated the comments and the many e/mails about my work.
This when the glue dries will be filled with handmade books. BYE BYE
One finished, well almost, two more to go or perhaps I will stick with one finished Seascape.
Here is the layout I settled on. I used one of my seagull photographs and a piece of handmade paper.
Will insert into the frame after Christmas. A bit of measuring to get really straight.
Undecided which feather to use. Travelling book with leaves sent on its way.
These bulbs were not planted in time for Christmas flowering.
They will be ready when the decorations are packed away so will help celebrate the lengthening of the days in January. Can you spot the missing chocolate?
Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful festive season.
Still moving fabric around until I feel happy with the layout.
Which combination will I choose? I need to make a decision or I will continue to move pieces around. Have been looking at Fibonacci theory 1,2,3,5,8.for proportions. Not sure if it is helping. Should I stick to what my eye tells me works? Back from the framers.
Not being opened again until January 10th when they will be delivered for this exhibition.
Christmas tree up!!!!!!!!!!!
A set of lights, a gift from a friend, prompted me to put up this tiny tree. Look in next week to see if I have managed a decision on the placement of the fabric. BYE BYE
Looking for shells which are disintegrating. Watch this space.
Painted background for a series of small seascapes
Have dyed lots of fabric blue. Moving the pieces around until I like the design.
This was the colour of the sky on the way home from the beach. Pink and purple not bright, very heavy looking. Very very cold.
December and this summer flowering clematis is in flower. Please look in next week to view what I have planned for disintegrating shells and if I get the Seascapes design right. BYE BYE
Took this drastic measure as my idea to hang as a long book was not working. Needed technical skills I did not possess. Oh for a handy man one can call upon, one with a creative mind. Two pieces have been tweaked and are now backed and ready to go to the framers.
61cm+14cm The third piece needs a little more tweaking and will be 74cm+14cm. I am trying to find a third smaller oyster shell but so far no luck. Another beach trip to fit in, or a shell shop visit. A little writing about the importance shells have been to man and this one will be finished. May leave it as a soft wall hanging. Drastic measures have led to three smaller pieces instead of one long for an exhibition in January. Information later.
A stitched sampler I painted and used as a background print for sea ripples. Worked well. Can you spot it?
Gathering materials for three small Seascapes. Same exhibition as the Beach pieces. Hope these are more straight forward and work first time. Work from an Embroiderers Guild member. So different from my work but I can appreciate the skill and patience needed to complete this.
I am taking part in two round robin book swaps. Each have a different format. This book is Rusting so sending on its way to second of eight participants. No idea what next months book will ask for.
Second swap has 6 members and has a continuing theme of Trees and Leaves. Please look in next week to view finished third piece and beginnings of Seascapes.
Christmas baubles made by Guild members at a workshop tutored by Bea Neilson. It is getting very near. BYE BYE
Have begun thinking about decorating my home. Getting excited about adding colour.
Charts are fun but decisions, decisions. Have retired to The Studio. Three days working on the Beach piece with no interruptions - except keeping painter happy with cups of coffee and chocolate biscuits. End in sight.
Lettering added.
The feather has been printed on.
Still to hand stitch a feather, fill and add my signature glass jars and the end is really now in sight. Still looking for a name. Shoreline Treasures has been suggested.
A mishap. Stitching on the lettering, phone rang, I jumped up to answer and heard a crunch. Razor shell crushed.
An extra evening spent finding another shell to fit the space, it is not in as good condition as the original. Then redo. The trials of creating. Look in next week to view finished piece ( I hope it is finished. No more mishaps. BYE BYE
Always great to settle in, and be surrounded by ones familiar objects.
He is not familiar. The Green Man was brought back from my holiday. Looking for an outside place to hang him. Garden or Courtyard? Glazed ceramic and about a 40 cm by 30cm. Do you like him? I fell in love with him. Another part of the Beach piece finished. I must get a name for it " Treasures from the Shoreline" not very inspiring.
The Razor shell contains a poem.
Tissue paper painted, printed then waxed. I have had another look at the STONES while away. I took scissors and glue and some photocopies of the drawings I had of the Stones and played.
Made it horizontal. Changed the composition completely. Will it work this way? Still not right but can now begin to see a way forward. Well maybe not. Please look in next week as I plan to spend a day at the sewing machine putting the writing on the nameless Beach piece. BYE BYE