Sunday, 31 January 2016

Every picture tells a story

Every picture tells a story and this is my weeks story.
Full blown over the top flu.
Nothing to do but hug a hot water bottle for childish comfort. Hot lemon and honey. The rest don`t work.
See you next week


Sunday, 24 January 2016

Breaking rules

Still connected to the wider world. Have been considering, should I invest in some carrier pigeons, as a back up.A 6inch piece of corroded wire was the cause but the problem was B.T.

9 patches. Do you remember these?
Working the individual patches, keeping in mind I would like this to work as a whole piece as well as separate squares. 

They will be backed onto these artist boards.

Have settled on the name "FINDINGS"

Some of my findings.

Tapestry  I have been advised I am stitching it all wrong. There are rules. One is supposed to go back and forth in straight lines and it really should be in a frame. I never use a frame as I like to feel the fabric I am stitching. I used this same working practice to do tent stitch. Broke the rules. I am stitching wherever I fancy. Another rule broken.
A little pink thread.

A little green thread

Horrors I have broken the rules.
If I have a piece of pink left in my needle I move to another pink bit to finished off. More rules broken.
So glad I have my own work and I can break all the rules I want and usually do.
The tapestry is worked for my pleasure and I would never claim to be an expert. I am enjoying working it in my own way. 

Plan for next week

1  Finish more squares, at least 3.

2  Think about displaying

3 Visit Kalamkari exhibition again. 

Look in on Sunday and see if I have achieved any of above.



Sunday, 17 January 2016

1 st rant of 2016

British Telecom have left me without a telephone or broadband connection for 10 days -  so far. No clear indication when connection will be restored.
Main gripe is as a communication  network they are    Rubbish, really Rubbish. Customer service is Rubbish.  It has been expensive using my mobile, trying to contact someone who can give me clear information - not found anyone yet.
I have pressed numbers 1-----4 so many times , I am continually advised to go to I HAVE NO BROADBAND CONNECTION or I am told I am in a queue - 35 minutes is a long queue.
Big rant but I feel better but still no phone or broadband.
 At a friends as I was having withdrawal symptoms.
Who would have believed a year ago I would be upset because I was denied access to my computer.

Thank goodness the seagull was safely installed.

 If he was at home he would have been upset as I tried to remain calm but ended shouting into the mobile.
Sorry nearly started an other rant.

I made a book of photographs to accompany the installation as only the buyer!!!!!!!! will be able to browse the books and look in the boxes.

 The exhibition looks good so if you are in the area please stop and visit.

I am still tent stitching.Would like to think it had helped me stay calm throughout the BT debacle but that would not be true.
Lets hope next week I am reconnected.



Monday, 4 January 2016

Not quite back to normal.

4th January, posting on a Monday as days not back to normal, just yet.

Received as a Christmas present. 1st reaction. very nice picture but I don`t do kits. Smiled nicely, thanked profusely and secretly thought Charity Shop.
Sitting at night by the fire listening to an audio book  (Bleak House by Charles Dickens)
Looked again at present. Unwrapped, thought it might be relaxing to have something mindless to sit with at night. Took me ages to tick off colours and match to sides of canvas. Thought I would make a start.
Addictive, just had to finish a skein.

My thank you note will be genuine.

Back to the day job
Looking at painting the squares as a whole, then cut up. Will see how this works. Visualize the squares being individual pieces but having a connection.

Pieces of maps glued randomly. Painted using a sponge.

Tissue paper glued down. Washed over with gesso. Sprayed with water before gesso dries.

Added Coastal lines from 3 location I have been visiting.
Good to get back to this piece of work again. Based on sand ripples and coast lines.

Still grey, windy, rainy Ugh.
May finish another skein.
Will be back posting on Sunday next week as festive season over.
Look in to view progress, if any and see how many skeins I have used