Sunday 18 September 2016

Almost there

This is the picture I mentioned last week. It is by Liz Dulley and is from her Japanese collection. Now need to find correct space to hang it. It is only 10cm /8cm.

The garage really has morphed into a Studio. I have a huge smile every time I say "Studio"
The outside light is working. Difficult to photograph.

The painter is finished.

Lights and skirting board will be fitted tomorrow.

Only 2 weeks ago it looked like this. Almost there.
Finding a new route on a walk saw these flowers laid at the foot of a tree. Why????

This is the first signs of the leaves turning. The woods are a dusty, end of Summer green, at the moment.

Looking forward to the Autumn colours.
Photographed the trunk of an old Birch tree. There was a hint of pink on the trunk.

First time I have made marks in a sketchbook in months.

Pastel, scissors and a Pritt stick. Not much but a start. It will be like Christmas when I unpack my art supplies. I am thinking it would be an interesting project to record the wood over a year. Textiles in the wood?
Plans, more plans and looking ahead.
Some interesting visitors this week.

She came for lunch.

He was doing his daily wander around. This time looking down on us.

The balloon sailed over again.
Must show this very sweet solar light which hangs in my garden.

Next week will I be unpacking art supplies? I will be stitching a small piece within a hoop.
Please look in next week to see what that is all about.
BYE      BYE


  1. Old garage to new -what a transformation. I like the way they have done the windows with the insulation and the shelves, that is extremely clever.
    You have interesting and charming visitors and the solar light looks good.
    Good luck with getting reunited with your art materials soon and making art

  2. I am so happy for you and your new studio! Wahoo.

    Lovely to see your glimpses of life. Lovely equinox to you!
