Sunday, 16 October 2016

Travels over

Back home. Have been on holiday in Northumberland. A great area for walking, visiting castles and eating, especially if you like fish. As I am a vegetarian I passed on the crab, kippers, sea bass etc. Alnwick has the best second hand book shop anywhere, when I was in the area many years ago the rooms where the café and restaurants are situated had not been opened. It was a pleasant surprise to find as well as great books, atmosphere and the toy train still running they now have good food added to the mix. This makes it a very special destination.

This is the view from the 3 sides of the house I was staying in. Taken through the glass. I never seemed to have my camera when I was outside.

Low tide.

Not sure if this was a sculpture or driftwood for the stove. The beach was on the other side of the wall. Great location.

I like this driftwood heart. It was handing on the kitchen wall.

The estuary leading to Wark. 2 mile walk from beach to castle, along the banks of the Coquest.

My friends entering the Keep.

Wark castle is truly imposing.
Alnwick castle was where the Harry Potter films were shot as was Downton Abbey.

 Northumberland has so many large castles sited along its coastline.
The Gardens at Alnwick castle are more theme park than conventional gardens. Like the castles in this area done on a large scale.

The water cascade is spectacular and the tree house is quite magical for adults and kids. Once again huge.

This shows only a small part of it. Well worth a visit, as is all this coastal area. A very enjoyable break.

Have moved more boxes into the studio and have almost unpacked the shed.

It is possible to see my desk now . Will need some help to move it into the studio.

Bucket of clean water  for painting but I need another for dirty water.

The shelves go up at the end of the month so will be able to organize boxes and books. Old sketch books waiting for a home.

Please look in next week to view what is happening. Will be hoping to have some work to show.
BYE      BYE.


  1. How nice to get away, visit a favored book shop and find good food.
    Looks like a lovely area.

  2. I've never been inside a castle and would absolutely to do exactly that. They look amazing and the water scenery is so awesome. Lucky you for a great holiday.

  3. People are always telling me how wonderful Barter Books is, must get there someday.
    The view from your holiday house looks tremendous and the castles look terrific too.
    Sounds and looks like a great area to visit.
    Good to see the studio getting filled with art materials.

  4. It looks like you had a wonderful vacation in a lovely are. Have fun finishing your studio!

  5. It all looks wonderful. A nice holiday with beautiful sights.
    Wishing you grace as you take step after step organizing your home and making it yours.
