Sunday, 27 September 2015

Coming together

I have had a complete rethink about making fabric boxes. The fabric did not fit with the cabinet at all. Also - so long to zigzag and using so much thread. It did not work. Will finish fabric boxes and make them up for my grandchildren.

New idea is using card to make boxes.  Coating them with gesso to give a smooth surface and for strength. Still lots of measuring.

Paper pattern.

Printed tissue paper with a map and used pieces to tie in with " Coastlines" theme. 
3 coats of matt varnish for added strength.
Will place tiny shells inside.

Much happier and so is Fairy Dust.
What do you think?

Little postcard is finished. 3 made, may do 2 more.

Cleared desk as piled high with bits and bobs - discarded - cut up - etc. so clean desk ready to start small piece.

 Maps, writing from my diary, seaglass and fabric wrapped round brown wrack seaweed.

 The piece which was shouting to be made was quite crude so became a sample for a more resolved piece. This one is not shouting or pushing just quietly placing the pieces where they look best.

Did you spot the large clam shells?
I use them to hold the seawater and bits and bobs I am using. Keeping the " Coastlines" theme.

The cabinet is beginning to come together.
On to the seagull.

 Next week

1   Really must make a start on frame for seagull

2    Finish boxes.

3   Think about subjects for more little cards.

Look in to see how much I manage.




  1. Seriously love these little boxes, much better than the heavily sewn fabric ones, they have a lightness.
    Your clean desk looks delightful, so fresh with these colours.
    Looking forward to maybe seeing more little cards as the one you have made here is so unusual and original.

  2. Maureen, it is a joy to "watch" your mind work and read about the process you take to get to your end result. The boxes are fantastic. The little postcard is wonderful. I love the outline stitching around the died seaweed. Your newest piece is a beauty.

  3. the boxes are wonderful.
    clean desks are a joy to work from. my entire cabin could use straightening up.
    lovely to use the shells as bowls.....
